Last updated on 18 July 2024

7 Key Tactics to Run Successful Account-Based Marketing Campaign for the IT Industry

In a highly competitive business environment, IT marketers must find ways to attract and retain customers. Account-based marketing enables them to meet their marketing goals. But with so many account-based marketing tactics at their disposal, they must identify those that work in their industry to win and retain high-value accounts. Keep reading to find out which tactics will boost your company's ABM success.
Competition in the tech industry gets tougher by the day. Tech companies are always looking for innovative strategies to find new customers and remain profitable. For at least 67% of B2B marketers, Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is the strategy that helps them meet their marketing goals. This strategy emphasizes laser-focus on high-value accounts as opposed to the wider market. This article discusses various account-based marketing tactics that B2B marketers in the tech industry use to mount successful B2B ABM campaigns.
But before that, we look at ABM objectives and the 3Rs that underlie this marketing strategy.

What are the Objectives of Account-Based Marketing?

The efforts that sales and marketing teams in tech companies put in ABM campaigns are aimed at achieving one objective- increasing sales volumes and revenue fast and in an efficient manner. However, the success of B2B account-based marketing campaigns isn’t determined by the number of accounts you target. It depends on how well your company adheres to the 3Rs – reputation, relationships, and revenue. We unpack these below:
  • Reputation

ABM campaigns target decision-makers in high-value accounts. These are individuals in top management who need clarity to authorize significant spending. Build a solid reputation by creating quality content that gives them the clarity they need to make purchase decisions. Target your content to the right people and promote it to ensure they engage with it.
  • Relationships

ABM emphasizes connection with high-value leads and nurturing relationships. You know you’re building relationships with target accounts when your ABM campaigns result in meetings and meaningful conversations happening between warm-up prospects and your sales team.
  • Revenue

The best way to determine the value of ABM campaigns is to quantify the opportunities they generate. Tracking the number of deals signed and other attributable touch-points like positive content interactions and demo requests can help in determining B2B ABM revenue opportunities.
What’s really vital for those who are embarking on their ABM journey, is to think about measures around Relationships and Reputation as being leading indicators of what you hope to see in terms of returns around Revenue further down the line.
Mathew Kent, Hitachi Vantara

Why IT Industry Needs ABM

Marketing in the IT industry is increasingly becoming challenging for many B2B marketers. Tech marketers struggle to create content that appeals to different IT decision-makers and prospects. They also experience difficulties aligning their sales and marketing teams and differentiating IT products or services from those of competitors.
ABM addresses these challenges as it treats each target account as a stand-alone market segment. Using ABM, IT companies can understand their key accounts better and craft super-personalized campaigns to capture their interest and drive engagement. ABM’s success depends on how well sales and marketing teams work together to identify the most promising accounts, and nurture and convert them into customers. This alignment allows businesses in the tech industry to engage IT decision-makers in each target account with relevant content throughout the purchase journey.
Get high-priority prospects with UnboundB2B’s personalized ABM approach. Want to know more about the approach? Download the eBook now!
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    Which Account-Based Marketing Tactics Work for IT Companies?

    Below are leading account-based marketing tactics that IT companies use:

    1. Giving Exclusive Offers to Key Accounts

    Creating exclusive offers that are aligned with the needs of individual target accounts is among the top successful tactics in ABM that IT marketers use. These offers range from free trial periods, exclusive discounts, and free events like seminars or webinars where prospects learn more about tech products and how they solve prospect problems. Account-specific offers work well for IT companies because they demonstrate their commitment to meeting the unique needs of their key accounts.

    2. Personalizing Web Experiences

    Personalization is a key aspect of ABM campaigns. Every interaction with your target accounts – both online and offline must be personalized based on their needs, interests, and preferences. Stats show that 74% of B2B buyers conduct more than 50% of their research online prior to making purchases.
    Keep your target accounts engaged by providing useful information on your website. Personalize your audience’s journey online through custom landing pages, relevant content, and positive experiences like simulations and calculators that simplify their search for solutions.

    3. ABM Content Syndication

    Another ABM tactic tech marketers use to accelerate ABM campaigns is content syndication. The ABM approach involves building lasting relationships with your target accounts. ABM content syndication serves as a great point for initiating these relationships. It involves sharing relevant information with your carefully curated account lists.
    Super-targeted content syndication narrows your focus to nurturing relationships with your priority accounts. It also boosts account penetration. ABM is about placing your brand in front of decision-makers and coaxing them to make buying decisions. When tertiary decision-makers in high-value accounts engage with your content, they’re more likely to encourage top decision-makers to do business with you.
     Create and promote hyper-personalized content assets with UnboundB2B’s Content Syndication Services.

    4. Using Employee Networks to Connect with Decision-Makers

    IT marketers leverage the networks with decision-makers in target accounts to increase ABM success. Employees, particularly those in C-suite positions can be encouraged to initiate relationships with buyer personas in target accounts to support ABM efforts. This tactic works well because it’s genuine and has a personal touch. C-suite employees contact decision-makers directly through LinkedIn messages, phone calls, and emails.

    5. Engaging Prospects with Gamification

    Tech companies are increasingly using gamification to educate key accounts about their products. Gamification spices up B2B marketing content, making it fun and less stiff. Gamified content increases brand awareness and encourages your target audiences to interact with marketing messages. As a result, they’ll spend more time on your website, and share your posts on social media.
    You can gamify landing pages, emails, and content by adding badges, puzzles, calculators, quizzes, prizes, or points that encourage your audience to act. You could also create quests and challenges to hook your audience and get them to complete certain tasks.

    6. Post-Purchase Engagements through Install-Base Marketing

    IT marketers leverage install-base data to keep target accounts that already purchased their products engaged. Using tech install-base data as account-based marketing tactics, marketers are able to retain current customers by identifying cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

    7. Social Listening

    Social media monitoring is a tactic used by many B2B marketers. B2B marketers leverage social listening tools to gather valuable insights about target accounts. This data helps them understand prospects better, including their needs, interests, preferences, and intent. For instance, if a target account posts information about an industry event they’ll be participating in, you can integrate that into your email campaign to ask relevant questions or just wish them luck.

    How UnboundB2B Provides the Right ABM Services for Your IT Company

    UnboundB2B helps IT companies to find, engage, and nurture high-priority accounts into paying customers. Our end-to-end marketing solutions shorten the sales cycle and maximize returns for IT businesses. We deploy the latest technology to gather ABM intent data and use insights from this data to help you find the most valuable accounts.

    UnboundB2B’s ABM Process

    We use the following process to get you high-value accounts that want your IT products or services:
    Unbound's 3 Step process for Account Based Marketing Magic Approach

    1. Identify Key Accounts

    Our team gets an idea of the high-value accounts you wish to target. We overlay your ideal customer profile data with our in-house data and generate an account list of the most promising accounts for your company.

    2. Track Lead Behavior

    We at UnboundB2B use the latest technology to track intent signals from listed accounts. We get insights on their online behaviour and how they engage with the ABM campaign.

    3. Engage and Qualify Accounts

    Our process includes using intent data to score and prioritize accounts. We help you nurture priority accounts down the sales funnel faster and successfully so you can achieve your marketing goals.

    ABM Service for IT Businesses of All Sizes

    UnboundB2B provides ABM services to all IT businesses irrespective of size. We help Tech Entreprises, Small and Medium-Sized Tech Businesses, and Tech Startups implement ABM programs as follows:

    ABM for Enterprises

    We help your IT company meet its monthly lead generation needs through innovative tactics and technology. UnboundB2B leverages intent data to find prospects that need your IT product or service and add them to your CRM to give your team a real-time view of your sales pipeline at any given time.

    ABM for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs)

    We support you in scaling your IT business faster by keeping high-quality accounts in your target market flowing your way year-on-year. Our assistance can fast-track your sales process, coax prospects into making purchase decisions faster, and build relationships with current buyers.

    ABM for Startups

    Our team gets you accounts that can help you grow your IT startup. We work with you to develop ideal customer profiles. We help you find accounts that match those profiles from our vast database and execute ABM campaigns that drive sales.

    Find High-Value Accounts With UnboundB2B

    Tech buyers are increasingly seeking personalized interactions with B2B brands. It’s difficult to meet this need with conventional marketing approaches. Account-based marketing tactics can your IT company overcome this challenge by customizing your engagements with key accounts.
    Whether you run a big IT enterprise, a small tech business, or a tech start-up, UnboundB2B can help you land the high-value accounts you need to create consistent sales revenue. Our industry-leading ABM service leverages intent data to get you accounts with verified interest in your product or service.
    Get high-value accounts with UnboundB2B’s Account-Based Marketing Solutions.
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    Sophia Westfiel

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